introit for the ist Sunday in Advent (Mode 8)
Ae te lovey) cuamas mem: Deus mews &
te confido, non erubescam: neque irrideant
me inimiei mel: etenim univers! qui te ex
ebectant, non confundentur. Ps, Vias tua
Domine’ demonstra mihi: et semitas tua
edoce me, Gloria Patri et Filio et. Spiritu
Sancto: Sicut erat in principio, et mune, e
ee ee ae
sae divaseitiay ea cicmall ince, weciak. Sans
my trust, my God, T shail not perishy my
foes shall not mock me, for all who trust in
Thee shall not perish.” Ps. "Teach me ‘Thy
ways, O Lord, and show me Thy path. Glory
be othe Father, and to the Som and tthe
As it was in the beginning, i
now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Hymn for Christmas Vespers (Mode I }
1. Jess Recempter ematum, quem ince ante
‘originem, parem paternac.glorise Pater
lumen et splendor Patri, tu shes
Derennie omnium: intende ques fundunt
Dreces tul per orbem sergull
6. Br nos, beata ‘quos. tacrlrigavit_ unde
sanguinis, natalis ob’ diem tui, hymn
tributum olvimus,
7. Jesu, tii sit gloria, qui natus es de
Vierine, cum Patre et alo Spiita, ‘is
an aaa oe
yeums, Hececmer of the Wael Wee, wae
before the beginning of light, was begotten
consubstantially out of glory to the Highest
Thou, the light and splendour, Thou art al
eternal Hope. Hear the prayers that Thy
people offer Thee from all over the wide
Also we who are washed in the blessed bath
of Thy holy Blood bring Thee hymns of
praise on Thy birthday.
Jesus, glory be to Thee, born of the Virgin
with the Father and the Holy Ghost together
in alt Hooray.
Offertory for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (Mode |)
aniverea terra: pealmam dicite nomial ejus
terra: pealmum dicite nomini ejus’
vente et audite, et narrabo vobis, omnes qi
imetis Deum, quanta fect Dominus animac
pepenes Be Wee, Gl ye Saeeey Deeees in SOS,
all ye lands! Sing a psalm unto His name.
Come and hearken unto me, I shall tell ye,
all of ye who fear God, what wonders the
pth Pl snap wren amyfwng Peggy (Aa er on
(communion for the 2nd Sunday in Lent (Mode 5)
vonis meae, Rex meus, et Deus meus: quo-
ia allan aati Meena”
mane iy Aas ROS 2 ae, See ee ay
prayers, my King and God. For I am pray-
a eethen © Leed.
(;radual for Maundy Thursday (Mode 5)
Christus fectus est pro nobis ebediens usque
ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. Propter
quod et Deus exaltavit illum, et dedit ill
oan. anal eit sinieiaeneaiaels,
Carat mee Deen Sooment ne Ue wh ab
death, indeed until the death on the Cross
This is why God has raised him up and
Sequence tor Laster Sunday (Mode 1)
Vietimae Paschal leudes immolent Chritt-
Aan rdemit oven: Christus inocens Pat
Mors et vita duel confixere mirando: dus
ritae mortuus regnat vivus
Die nobis Maria, quid vidist in via?
Sepulerum Chri! viveat et gloriam vid
Angelcce testes, sadarlum et vests
Surrexit Christus spes mea: praccedct suo
in Gailaeam.
Scimus Christum surrexisse « mortuis vere:
nobis Vcior Rex mimrert. Amen. Al
Vox Productions, inc., New York, N.Y. 10017
—arseeans MARE En ehering G praise to the
Pascal Lamb.
The Lamb redeeme the sheep: the innocen!
Christ has paid the price of sinners to the
Life and Death fought in a prodigious battle:
the dead Ruler of the Living now lee alive.
Tells Mary (Magdalne), wha di yo
ce on the
The tomb of Christ the living and the glory
of Resurrection
Angela tented to i, and the linen and the
Carist, my hope, is resurrected: He gees
before his people towards Galilaea.
We know that Christ is truly resurrected
from the dead. 0 Thou, Victorious King,
ae ieeiee oes i eee aes
Sequence for Pentecost Sunday (Mode 1)
1. Ven! Sancti Spiritus, ct emits conitus
luc tue radium, zs
2. Veni pater pauperum, veni dator muner
um, veni lumen cordium.
3. Consolator optime, dulcis Hospes animee,
> 2 ee ee, ee eee,
fetu solatium.
5. O lux beatissima, reple cordis intime
iworum fidelium.
6. Sine tuo numine nib est in homine, nihil
est innoxium,
7. Lava quod est sordidum, riga quod est
aridum, sana est saucium.
8. Flee quod est rigidum, fore quod et
rigidum, ‘est devium.
2 'Da tie Milan, inte condentibus sc
rum septenarium.
10. Da virtutis meritum, da salutis exitum,
ia aieiants-eaineds tee Aaa
i. Comme, Fatty ones, Sone Sorte Sse Ey
en Thy streams of light.
2 Come, Father of the poor; come, Giver
of gifts; come, Light of the heart.
< Retad Teakabe eneek Gan et se
4. Rest amid hardship; refreshment in the
heat; consolation for tears
S. O Blessed Light, fll the innermost parts
of Thy servants’ hearts.
g Wihout "Thing ‘aid there in nothing fn
fan, there is nothing without sin.
7. Cleanse that which is blemished; refresh
that which is dry; heal that which is sick.
8. Bend that which is rigid; heat that which
is cold; lead that which has gone astray.
8. To. those who are faithful to Thee, who
trust in Thee, give of Thy sevenfold gifts,
10. Give virtue reward: give salvation in th
Snel Santen Alek saciid lem. denen Alia
Offertory for All Saints Day (Mode | }
Justerum enimes in mane Des sunt, ot nee
tanget illos tormentum malitiae: visi sunt
cculis insipientium mori: ili autem sunt in
ae ainiles
Fhe souls Of rigucens men are in Gods
hands, and the torment of wickedness does
not touch them. In the eyes of fools, they
sath ig: yg iP cligaally allege Te
Communion for All Saints Day (Mode 1)
a lea eel gees rg ate Sig gs
videbunt: beati pacifici, quoniam fii Dei
yocebuntur: beati qui persecutionem pati
antur propter justitiam, quoniam ipsorum
ae sale aaa
wine 608 the pure in henet, dep they see
see God: blessed are the peacemakers, for
they shall be called the Sons of God; blessed
are they that suffer persecution, for theirs is
as aie oe,
Introit for All Souls Day (Mode 6)
mequem ecternam Clas els Demiast ot lam
perpetua luceat eis.
Ps, Te decet hymnus Deus in Sion, et tibi
reddetur votum in Jerusalem: exaudi ors:
Seen ica i ae eens ale, Coie
7s. A cong of pretes is dus to Theo in Zia,
God, and pledges are made to Thee in Jeru
salem. Hear my prayers. All earthly flesh
aarwmrttgcag eeng
Antiphen for Burial Service (Mode 7)
_ perecwem ceaueen te -Anges: Me tue
adventu suscipiant te Martyres, et perducant
te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem. Chorus
Angelorum te suscipiat et cum Lazaro quon:
dour Wisteade caendaba Wakads tonal
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No
*This record may be played on mono or stereo playback equipment.
TMA(S) @ Vox Productions, inc. « Marca(s) Registrada(s)
may Angels attend Thee in Paradise. On
thy arrival may the Martyrs receive thee and
lead thee to the Holy City of Jerusalem,
May the Angel Chorus receive thee, and may
you have eternal peace with Lazarus, who
ea enes
Mono — R 66-2612
Stereo — R 66-2612
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