El Toroby La Bande De "El Toreo"RCA Victor (LSP-2538)Publication date 1962
import HTurtle
import Data.Complex
main = do
koch ((0,0),(400,0)) 4
koch ((a,b),(c,d)) n = do
if n == 0 then doKoch >> return ()
else do koch (p0,p1) (n-1)
koch (p1,p2) (n-1)
koch (p2,p3) (n-1)
koch (p3,p4) (n-1)
where al = a :+ b
be = c :+ d
p0 = (a,b)
p1 = let (a :+ b) = c1 in (a,b)
p2 = let (a :+ b) = c2 in (a,b)
p3 = let (a :+ b) = c3 in (a,b)
p4 = (c,d)
c1 = cid (al,be) 1 2
c2 = sumit (c1,c3) (pi / 3)
c3 = cid (al,be) 2 1
doKoch = do setPos p0
setPos p1
setPos p2
setPos p3
setPos p4
cid (a,b) m n = (n * a + m * b) / (m + n)
sumit (a,b) th = (b - a) * (cos th :+ sin th) + a
-- fc.hs
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
main = do
fchdal <- fileChooserDialogNew Nothing Nothing
[("Cancel", ResponseCancel), ("Select", ResponseAccept)]
fchdal `set` [fileChooserDoOverwriteConfirmation := True]
widgetShow fchdal
response <- dialogRun fchdal
case response of
ResponseCancel -> putStrLn "You cancelled..."
ResponseAccept -> do
nwf <- fileChooserGetFilename fchdal
case nwf of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
Just path -> putStr path
w <- windowNew
w `set` [windowDefaultWidth := 16, windowDefaultHeight := 16]
s <- spinnerNew
containerAdd w s
widgetShowAll w
spinnerStart s
widgetDestroy fchdal
fchdal `on` objectDestroy $ mainQuit
-- end of fc.hs
-- t.hs
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Process
duration :: FilePath -> IO ()
duration f = createProcess (proc "soxi" ["-D",f]) >> return ()
splitFileName' = return . splitFileName
main = do
(d,f) <- readFile "fn" >>= splitFileName'
setCurrentDirectory d
duration f
-- end of t.hs
-- t2.hs
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Process
getC :: IO Double
getC = getContents >>= return . read
splitFileName' = return . splitFileName
main = do
d <- getC
(dir,f) <- readFile "fn" >>= splitFileName'
setCurrentDirectory dir
n <- f1 d 1
let t = d / n
let l = f2 t n
doComs f t l
f1 d n = if (d / n) < 300 then return n else f1 d (n + 1)
f2 d n = map (\x -> x*d) [0..(n - 1)]
doComs f d l = do
mapM_ (\x -> trim f (nf f x) x (d + 10)) (init l)
let x = last l
trim f (nf f x) x d
where nf f x = "trimed" ++ show (round x) ++ takeBaseName f ++ ".flac"
trim :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
trim i o sP d = createProcess (proc "sox" [i, o,"trim", show sP, show d]) >> return ()
-- end of t2.hs
The incredible popularity in release of this version of 1812 proved not only the durable appeal of Tchaikovsky’s famous musical
3 war-horse, but also the appetite of the record-buying public for genuine sonic thrills. Thus, Mercury was prompted to seek out
another “symphonic battle piece”: Beethoven’s stormy Wellington's Victory. Here, cannons were present in the scoring, plus the
carefully-cued rattling crack of 19th century musketry. In this second recording, another “sonic spectacular” was born—and, once
again, recording history was made!
mated orchestral machine run by air pressure
which played flutes, clarinets, trumpets, violins,
cellos, drums, cymbals, triangles and so on. It
could also be made to shoot off muskets and other
weaponry. Fascinated by what the machine could
do, Beethoven agreed enthusiastically to write a
piece for the metal monster. The composer had
been a Bonapartist until 1804 when Napoleon un-
seated the French Revolution and made himself
an Emperor. At that time, he scratched the Na-
poleonic dedication from his Eroica Symphony
and joined the Anti-Bonaparte partisans. After
the Vitoria victory, he was delighted at the
chance of depicting musically the defeat of the
Emperor’s brother by the British.
In Wellington’s Victory, Beethoven wrote
carefully to the capacities of the machine, but
troubles in rigging the apparatus kept delaying
its premiere. The novelty value of the subject of
the piece was fast fading. Finally, Beethoven de-
cided quickly to re-score it for conventional or-
chestra. It was thus that it was first performed.
As the piece begins, the opposing armies intro-
duce themselves musically before doing battle.
First, faintly from the British camp (right), a
drum tattoo pulses distantly; other drums join
in; the sound grows until a thundering roar fills
the air; then, above the tumult of steady drum-
ming, trumpets sound a battle cry.'The British
cap this brilliant fanfare with a rousing version
of Rule, Britannia. From their side (left), the
French respond with their own drum-and-trum-
pet fanfare and the war song Malbrouck s’en va
ten guerre (known to Americans as The Bear
Went Over The Mountain). After these prelimi-
naries, the French challenge the British to fight
in a stirring trumpet call. The British accept,
throwing the call back with higher-pitched trum-
pets. As battle begins, the main orchestra takes
over. Throughout the clamorous battle, the Brit-
ish and French trumpets are heard distinctly
from their respective sides, rallying the troops.
Musket volleys and cannonade punctuate the
music. Soon, we notice that only the British can-
non are firing. The British have won the upper
hand; Bonaparte’s army finally shudders to a halt
in a minor-key version of the Malbrouck tune. A
victory finale, featuring a vigorous treatment of
God Save The King, brings this piéce d’occasion
to a tremendous close.
The musical portions of the Overture 1812 were
recorded in Minneapolis, while the military ef.
fects were taped at West Point. To serve as au-
thentic French weapons of a type used by Napo-
leon in 1812, Gerald C. Stowe, Curator of the
West Point Museum, selected cannons made in
France during the 18th century: one made in
Douay in 1775 (stereo version), and the other cast
in Strasbourg in 1761 (monophonic version).
To achieve a truly realistic bell effect for this
recording, it was decided to use authentic caril-
lon sounds. For the stereo version, the magnifi-
cent Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Caril-
lon of New York City’s Riverside Church was
used. This instrument includes a bass-toned bell
which is the largest tuned bell in the world; the
full carillon weighs over half a million pounds.
For the monophonic version, use was obtained
of the bells of the beautiful Harkness Memorial
Tower on the Yale University campus.
The recording of Wellington’s Victory used
three orchestras in which augmented sections of
brass and percussion, flintlock muskets and a bat-
tery of field artillery comprised basic added ele-
ments. According to Beethoven’s instructions,
the musical forces were deployed in the follow-
ing manner:
His score fixes the exact point at which each of
188 cannon shots was to be fired, designating
British weaponry by a black dot @; French by a
hollow dot o. These dots appear above their re-
spective beats and measures. Entry, direction and
duration of the musket shots is indicated pre-
cisely by notation, each volley shown in tied,
trilled notes.
Again, as in recording of the 1812, weapons of
authentic style were provided by the West Point
Museum and firing was done on the grounds of
the United States Military Academy. Seven flint-
lock muskets of the Napoleonic era—both British
and French in casting—were used. The muzzle-
loading field artillery is represented by two 6-
pound smooth-bore bronze cannons and a 12-
pound bronze howitzer. The French cannon heard
here was made at Strasbourg in 1761; the British
at Woolwich in 1755; the howitzer is of a type
used by both sides in the Napoleonic wars.
Twilight of Steam
..the thrilling audio companion to the exciting and controversial
deluxe hard cover edition entitled /he [wilight of Steam Locomotives
by Ron Ziel
Published by GROSSET & DUNLAP, INC.
Recording Engineers: Brad Miller and Leo Kulka
Art Director / Photography: Ron Ziel
Designer: Marshall Gatewood Moseley
Side Number One
TRACK ONE As we begin our adventure in “The Twilight of steam
Locomotives” the inside front cover beholds the World famous Reader
R.R. in southwest Arkansas. This is the last 100% steam powered com-
mon-carrier mixed train to operate in the United States and according to
Mr. T. W. M. Long, President of the charming shortline, “We're in the
passenger business and having a grand time. You’all come down to see
us.” We hear No. 11, a well polished 2-6-2 making up her tri-weekly
train in the Reader yard. How about that perfectly tuned Nathan Chime
whistle, a sound to stir most anyone.
TRACK TWO On pages 11-13, you will find a recent victim of diesel-
ization, the Virginia Blue Ridge during the last days of steam. This record-
ing has 0-6-0 No. 9, shown in both photos, topping a grade near Piney
River, Virginia. Even the song birds seem to sense that the passing of an
era is very near indeed.
TRACK THREE Apparently silenced forever, the last of Southern Pacific's
esthetically pleasing G S series 4-8-4’s is shown on page 65 in retire-
ment. We hear her now during a portion of her “last run” to Reno,
Nevada in 1960. This sound was typical Espee with big and beautiful
Northern's that could start an 18 car train and roar by you at 60 mph
in nothing flat. Witness same.
TRACK FOUR Until early 1903, the Bevier & Southern in central Missouri
had a leased Burlington Mike, No. 4963. On page 96 the 2-8-2 is shown
at Bevier. Listen to her walk a string of hoppers “over the top,” past our
trackside location.
TRACK FIVE Opposite the 4903, a handsome 2-6-0 No. 9/ of the Mobile
& Gulf is portrayed quite intentionally, on page 97. Her whistle is pos-
sessed of a deep melodic charm as the Mogul awakens the Alabama
countryside during an early morning dew near Brownville.
TRACK SIX Many fascinations of the steam locomotive are evident when
viewed emerging from under a bridge. The Kentucky & Tennessee's No.
10, a husky 2-8-2 is doing just that, partially camouflaged behind her
own steam, on page 103. From the same location, we capture the Mike
with a capacity load from Mine 16 and unless some miracle happens, the
K & T will be dieselized by the time you read this for lack of spare parts
and qualified machinists for maintenance.
TRACK SEVEN Upon turning the page, a color portrait of Magma Ari-
zona’s trim No. 7, star of Cinerama’s “How The West Was Won,” presents
itself. With the temperature hovering near 105 degrees, the 2-8-2 moves
right along near Queens, on the return trip to Superior, Arizona.
TRACK EIGHT One of the very last all steam shortiines east of the
Mississippi is none other than the Mississippian, appropriately displayed
on — 106-107. No. 77 leaves the house to pick up the caboose in
the yard.
TRACK NINE A “Carolina Shortline” devotes the entire chapter to the
Graham County Railroad, which operates two Shays in the southwestern
portion of North Carolina. The indescribable beauty of No. 1926 with
engineer Ed Collins working the whistle cord over, illustrates in sound,
that which cannot be done with words or photography. The next time you
are in Bear Creek Valley, ask Ed to put on a show for you, just like
this one.
Side Number Two
TRACK ONE 0-6-0T No. 13 of the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal is
the star of Chapter 12, pages 116-121. Here she makes her recording
debut in the very last days of BEDT steam. Listen to the flange squeel as
the side-tanker tows a box car within the shadow of Manhattan sky-
TRACK TWO “‘Last of the Narrow Gauges’—is the story of the Denver
and Rio Grande in southwestern Colorado, chapter 14. The photo opposite
the color plate shows Mikados No. 484 and 487 at the same time this
recording was made on the eastbound assault of Cumbres Pass, from the
locomotive tender.
TRACK THREE However, within this chapter, ‘‘Last of the Narrow Gauges”
there lies the resurrected ghost of Pennsylvania. Crickets with intermit-
tant gusts of wind rattling the corn stalks herald the approach of 2-8-2
No. 15 of the East Broad Top as her whistle echoes across the Aughwick
Valley. Author Ron Ziel exclaims, “This is simply a great sound track!”
TRACK FOUR Sharing fame and fortune with other “Excursion Engines
of the '60's” chapter 17, were Reading's T—1's. From the very first,
No. 2124 to the very last, No. 2102, these beautiful Northern's thrilled
hundreds of thousands of people in the population density of east-central
Pennsylvania. October, 1963 saw these 4-8-4’s under steam for the last
time. We join Trains Magazine in saying “Thank you” to the Reading for
a delight that will be unsurpassed for years to come. On an earlier “Iron
Horse Ramble” in 1961, No. 2124 has just been cut off and is standing
on a siding, saluting No. 2100 as she heads the special towards Valley
TRACK FIVE Canada's last excursion engine is the 616/, featured in a
two page spread of sub-zero weather. Yes, those pages look mighty cold
as the mighty Northern makes mock work of her train in tow as she
effortlessly gains speed leaving the yard board at Toronto, Ontario.
TRACK SIX Just turn the page and you'll find the “Cozy and Friendly,
The Strasburg” puffing through the cemetery. And that’s exactly the
sound you are hearing as well. Let us know if any other “ghosts” bother
you, that is other than 0-6-0 No. 31.
TRACK SEVEN And turn the page once again to face “The Great Teacher,
No. 4960.” My, what an aggressive management that makes available an
authentic steam locomotive such as this 2-8-2 for school children excur-
sions and at the bottom of their inter-department transportation notices
state “make every effort to handle with fact in mind these children will
be future shippers and passengers of the Burlington.” Leave it to the Q,
a railroad that is currently making passenger traffic history, to go one
step further. Let’s listen as the spunky Mikado walks up the grade from
Ottawa, Illinois, enroute to Streator with several hundred happy young:
sters. By the way, that bird was a little upset being covered with cinders
and such. Shouldn't happen to a bird.
TRACK EIGHT lo close Volume One of “Iwilight of Steam” we have
selected an unusual track in that this sound story is all but forgotten in
the annals of history. Fifty carlengths ahead and around a curve, Buffalo
Creek & Gauley 2-8-0 No. 14 puts air into the train and whistles off.
Then the slack comes roaring down the river canyon at Dundon and the
train leaves for Widen. This is the sound that is so familiar to those
crewmen whose home away from home was a caboose. To be continued.
i you are unable to purchase either this record or the hard cover book
edition, through your dealer, write directly to: Mobile Fidelity, Burbank,
California 91503. Brochure will be sent upon request.
SONIC-SEVEN is the name given to the combination of technical ad-
vances and achievements contained in this recording. Under the supervision
and development of Leo ‘Kulka, chief engineer for International Sound
Studios and pioneered in its use by Brad Miller, engineer/producer for
Mobile Fidelity Records, SONIC-SEVEN approaches a new spectrum of
dynamic sound reproduction
Special microphone techniques were designed to re-create the peculiarities
and acoustical conditions of the terrain. Depending on weather conditions
and air temperatures, the following microphones were used, independently:
Neumann, SM-2 Stereo Condenser; AKG ribbon dynamic D24b; Electro Voice
dynamic 666. The Neumann SM-2 used in the Sun and Difference method
of stereo recording was matrixed to left-right stereo. Original master record
ing was accomplished on Ampex 350-2 equipment, and the signal then fed
to the fully automatic Neumann Master Disc Lathe through a fully transis-
torized control board without the use of a single transformer or vacuum
tube. Frequency response of this board is + 1 db from 5 to 100,000 cps.
Intermodulation and harmonic distortion is virtually non-existent.
With the fully automatic Neumann Lathe, and the Teldec Cutting System
with automatic variable pitch and depth control, the complete dynamic range
is preserved at all times. Within the Teldec System is incorporated a process
known as STEREOMONIC, which makes this disc compatible for FM stereo
Multiplex broadcasting as well as stereo-monaural playback system com-
patibility for the home. Yes, you may use this disc on ANY Phonograph
Player, Stereo or Monaural, without damage to record or needle.
Then, to an absolutely clean SONIC-SEVEN master, add the POLYMAX
disc material, which unlike Vinyl, retains all transient response to a fine
degree for unequaled brilliance in sound reproduction and is 100% static
There you have it. The dynamic big picture of SONIC-SEVEN.
' Listen, and compare!”
The Fading Giant: Sounds Of Steam Railroading Vol. 2
THE FADING GIANT (Sounds of Steam Railroading Vol. 2)
Not one in a million Americans ever again will ride a scheduled mainline
passenger train behind a live and breathing steam locomotive. That time is gone.
Remembrance of the unique, indefinable glow in such trips fades and dis-
appears. It was a singular thriil, that steam train riding, a sense of high adven-
ture wrapped in warm well-being: The start from the pulsing terminal, the
yards with their clickings and bangings, chuffings and quick glimpses of other
travellers on other trains, the open country where whistles made no distinction
between thronged highways and farmers’ lanes, the solid roar of bridges be-
neath, and the always unexpected smash of tunnels with darkness all around
and echoes banging upon echoes. And the little stations: A long wailing
engine call and the hiss of slowing to the local agent’s platform domain. The
start with its first uncertain puff, then the thythmic power growing heavier
and heavier, quicker and quicker until the car wheels ticked the rail joints
into new, strange lands.
That time is gone. But “The Fading Giant” will bring you back the memory
strong and clear. For half this record was made on a train in the last days of
passenger steam on the mountainous Norfolk & Western. Few such recordings
have been made successfully. They are usually distorted. On train sounds — as
car wheels or the locomotive’s roar dominates the ear. The feeling of actually
riding the train simply isn’t there, But after long expetimentation Link and his
assistants found the proper place for the microphone and added their knowl-
edge of techniques to create a-balanced image.
‘When you close your eyes and listen to Side A of “The Fading Giant” you
are the locomotive screeching steel around New River curves, feeling the tug of
10 cars up Bluefield Mountain, plunging through the sharp tunnels of the high
Alleghanies. Your voice touches the coal tipples in Keystone, Welch and
Kimball and rebounds from Big Four Tunnel and Antler and Hemphill
Number Two. It is an experience in sound.
“Fading Giant's” Side B takes you to a roundhouse, to the 3% grades of the
N&W’s renowned Abingdon Branch and to a Virginia flag stop on Christmas
Eve. The engine facility sequence brings some seldom-heard rail sounds as a
Mountain type locomotive shuffles from stall to turntable to coal wharf and
back again. The two transcripts from the twisting line into the clouds are
superb renderings of a half-century-old steamer as it struggles up the Carolina
and Virginia sides of 5520 foot-high White Top Mountain. There are frequent
solos by the only whistle of its kind anywhere, a sound described by one rail-fan
as “the most goose-bumpy I ever heard!”
With Christmas chimes as a backdrop, the New Orleans-Washington train
comes to Rural Retreat (an actual town with real chimes — no name inventing
or dubbing) as a fitting close to “The Fading Giant.”
It was said that Link's previous record “Sounds of Steam Railroading,” was
“a collectors item which can never be reproduced.” Volume Two goes further,
deeper into the recording of an era of sound, now gone forever from the
American scene.
Sipe A Volume 2
‘This is an entire mainline steam passenger run condensed to
27 minutes. Actually it comprises five excerpts from the recording
of a complete 401-mile roundtrip of N&W Trains 15 and 16,
“The Cavaliers” between Roanoke, Va. and Williamson, W. Va.
But it holds together tightly as a rounded sound picture of a
passenger operation through river valleys and over rough moun-
tains. You can close your eyes, relax and let nostalgia take over.
You're on a steam train again!
The recording was made on a bright Sunday in the late spring
of 1958, just a few weeks before “the finest passenger engine
ever made” — the Class J, streamlined 600s — were placed on a
standby basis, Most of the sound comes from a microphone im-
mediately back of the tender, shielded from the wind and guarded
so boiler and wheel noises assume their proper proportion.
The record opens with Train 15, Engine 611, westbound,
wheeling and whistling happily along New River in extreme
western Virginia. The baggageman pulls the air three times for
a flag stop at Pembroke. Engineer acknowledges with three shorts,
then recognizes another flag from the Pembroke agent with two
shorts. She pulls to the platform and compressors pant. There is
a five-blast call to the flagman, brakes are released and Fifteen
chuffs away. Sequence fades with the train running smartly west
of Pembroke.
Returning Train 16, Engine 605,
has reached a point west of Davy,
W. Va. in late afternoon. It is truly
rugged country and the locomotive
fights up Tug Fork of the Big Sandy
over bridges and through tunnels.
There is frequent whistling because
rails lie through an almost continu-
ous sprawling line of coal-mining
communities. We hear those whis-
tes, then Twin Branch Tunnel, then
a whistle i a tunnel. Cylinders spit
nicely as she comes out coasting. There is a cacaphony of whistles as 16 stops at Davy. There
is skidding shortly after the start and the horn of a westbound freight can be heard faintly —
the only diesel sound in the entire record. The train then whistles for and passes through
Antler Tunnel.
Now comes a fine recording of a train entering and leaving a small station. Train 16,
slowing, blows and enters West Vivian Tunnel, then eases out to make a fine stop at Kimball,
As she leaves the exhaust echoes from a string of hoppers on a siding. A crossing whistle
ends the sequence.
Sixteen is entering Welch from the west through the two long Hemphill Tunnels and
Welch Tunnel. There is fine whistling both in and out of tunnels and good track sound.
She crosses a trestle over the Tug River, then eases up a main street of the town to the station.
‘Automobile sounds and voices can be heard over the clash of the couplers.
It is twilight now as “The Cavalier” leaves Keystone, W. Va. and whistles frequently as it
makes the mile and a half run to North Fork. Wheels loudly protest the sharp curves and
the train rumbles over short bridges. Voices from children on the platform are picked up as
she eases into North Fork. The start is neat and the 605’s exhaust is echoed from the sharp
cliffs and buildings. The fade-out comes as Train 16 pounds up Bluefield Mountain toward
Elkhorn Tunnel.
Sipe & Volume 2
1. Scene is the Norfolk & Western roundhouse at Bristol, Va.-Tenn. where until January I,
1958 the road’s steam engines still operated to connect with the Southern’s line from Knoxville
and the Deep South. Sequence opens with the roundhouse whistle signalling the end of the
second trick lunch period, Engine 104, a 4-8-2 which 35 years before had been the queen of
che passenger trade is ending her career as custodian of the daily local freight between Bristol
and Radford, She signals, moves from her roundhouse stall to the turntable, The ratchetty,
whirring table creaks and jars her into position to ease off the table and pass the microphone
at a second position. The locomotive chuffs to a switch and backs up on the coal wharf siding
to pass the listener again. After servicing 104 returns to her berth, ready for the next days
2. On the return trip over the high, inaccessible mountains near the Virginia-lennessee-
North Carolina meeting point, N&W Mixed Train 202 takes a running start’ for the
heavier grades to come as it powers past the battered store-post office at Husk, N. C
(pop. 78). We hear the labored distant exhaust, then the nonesuch whistle of Engine 382
(said to have been made especially for Engineet Nichols). Again the whistle, and again.
Now there is response from Jimbo, the Hound of Husk, who has heard it twice a day for
years but cannot resist his painful obligato. The mighty little 51-year-old twelve-wheele:
with its load of four freight cars, a combine and a coach approaches to crescendo and
passes with never a let-up in its pounding drive. There is no business today at Husk, N. C
("Nella” on the timetable). Engine 382 works harder in the distance as grade increase:
From 1.4 to 2%.The wondrous whistle echoes from the cliffs and she is gone
3. Green Cove is a mountain settlement on one of the two isolated level spots in the solid
17-mile climb of the N&W’s “Virginia Creeper” from Damascus, Va. to White Top Station's
3577-foot level — highest point reached by a passenger train east of the Rockies. Until Decem-
ber 1957, when the diesels came Engine 382 and her train from another century made the
daily-except-Sunday ascent each morning around 10 spouting a volcanic plume of black
and an ear-wracking blast as she inched up the 3% grade. Over the crickets we hear her distant
laborings, the exhaust bouncing from the narrow cuts. There is the whee! of steel on steel
and the little engine slows to a protesting crawl. Then comes the incredible whistle and more
fighting until a station blast announces that the 200-yard stretch of level land is near. With
bell ringing and safety valve open she drifts to a stop. Then the clank of slack and Engine 382
starts slowly and confidently on the last three twisting 39% miles to the top. A long crossing
blast ends the sequence.
4. It is 9:39 P.M. on Christmas Eve, 1957 in Rural Retreat, Va., a farming community
near the highest point on the N&W’s line from Bristol to Radford. Mrs. J. E. Dodson plays
carols on the Lutheran Church chimes, From far to the southwest comes the distinctive
whistle of a Class J locomotive No. 603 powering Train 42, "The Pelican,” eastbound from
New Orleans to Washington. Old heads in southwestern Virginia still call 42 “The
Vestibule,” dating it to the time in the ‘nineties when it was the region's first train with
enclosed platforms. “Silent Night” floats over the village as the rumble grows. Another
whistle and the warning bell on the automatic crossing gate begins its clangor. The bell
ceases as 42 blows and comes with a rush, its 17 cars rumbling across the highway to a
quick flag stop at the wooden station. It pauses with a final squeal but almost immediately
moves again, the 603 sure in its rhythm. There is another whistle as “The Vestibule” fills
the night with power. The chimes continue above a far farewell salute. Seven nights later
the last steam engine ran over the Bristol Line.
Assistance in recording side A Thomas Haskell Garver
Recording Christmas Sequence at Rural Retreat Roy Zider
All Copy: Ben Bane Dulaney N&W Ry.
Design and layout of album cover and liner Salem Tamer and Bob Roche
Mastering by Hydrofeed — Jack Matthews — Components Corp.
Calor Gaveriprinted by Color Grafhan Gaston| Oxcnast—1 Stan fordnGore
All photography: QO. Winston Link
*Color Cover photograph made as Train 202 crossed Bridge 8 North of Alvarado, Va
on the Abingdon Branch.
Haskell+ffmpeg hmpeg.hs
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
doCom x f = createProcess
(proc "ffmpeg" ["-i",x,"-sample_fmt", "s16", "-ar", "44100",nf])
where nf = f:".flac"
filtFile fi = return . filter (\x -> takeExtension x == fi)
sort' = return . sort
main = do
fs <- getCurrentDirectory >>= listDirectory >>= filtFile ".flac" >>= sort'
print fs
zipWithM_ (\x y -> doCom x y) fs ['a' .. 'z']
import HTurtle import Data.Complex main = do let p0 = (0,0) let p1 = (200.00000000000006,346.41016151377545) let p2 = (400,0) start speed 10 shape "turtle" triangle [p0,p1,p2] "black" True sg 3 [p0,p1,p2] end sg n [a,b,c] = do triangle [mp0,mp1,mp2] "white" True if n <= 1 then return () else do sg (n-1) [a, mp0,mp2] sg (n-1) [b,mp0,mp1] sg (n-1) [c,mp2,mp1] where mp0 = mp (a,b) mp1 = mp (b,c) mp2 = mp (c,a) mp ((a,b),(c,d)) = let (e:+f) = c2 in (e,f) where c0 = (a:+b) c1 = (c:+d) c2 = (c0+c1)/2
import HTurtle
import Data.Complex
import System.Environment
data Circle = Circle {center :: Point, r :: Double}
getP :: Circle -> Double -> Point
getP c radian = let (a :+ b) = c0 in (a,b)
where c0 = mkPolar (r c) radian
drawCircle :: Circle -> IO()
drawCircle c = circle (center c) (r c)
getAs :: IO [Double]
getAs = do
as <- getArgs
return $ map read as
main = do
[a,b,c,d] <- getAs
screensize (3000,2500)
pensize 5
speed 10
let c0 = Circle (0,0) a
print $ getP c0 pi
drawCircle c0
let c1 = Circle (0,0) b
-- drawCircle c1
dot (0,0)
mapM_ dot $ dots0 c0 c
mapM_ dot $ dots1 c1 c
color "red"
line [p0 b c d, p1 a c] "red"
let (aa,bb) = p0 b c d
line [p2 (aa :+ bb), dots0 c0 c !! 1] "red"
color "blue"
line [(0,0), (getP c0 ((yen / (c*2) * (-1)) * 3))] "blue"
dots0 c h = map (\x -> getP c x) $ take (round h) [0 , (yen / h) ..]
dots1 c h = map (\x -> getP c x) $ take (round (h/2)) [x + yen/h|x <- [0, (yen / (h/2)) ..]]
yen = pi * 2
p0 r h k = let (a :+ b) = x in (a,b)
where x = mkPolar r (yen / (h / 2) * (k - 1) / 2)
p1 r h = let (a :+ b) = x in (a,b)
where x = mkPolar r (yen / h * (-1))
p2 c = let (a :+ b) = conjugate c in (a,b)
-- HTurtle.hs
module HTurtle where
type Point = (Double,Double)
f0 :: String -> IO()
f0 s = putStrLn s
f1 :: String -> IO()
f1 s = do
putStr s
putStrLn "()"
f2 :: String -> Double -> IO()
f2 s n = do
putStr s
putStr "("
putStr $ show n
putStrLn ")"
f2' :: String -> Point -> IO()
f2' s p = do
putStr s
putStrLn $ show p
f3 :: String -> String -> IO()
f3 s s1 = do
putStr s
putStr "("
putStr "\""
putStr s1
putStr "\""
putStrLn ")"
start = f0 "from turtle import *"
end = f1 "done"
pensize = f2 "pensize"
screensize p = f2' "screensize" p
polygon :: [Point] -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
polygon pp@(p:ps) color True = do
fillColor color
setPos p
mapM_ setPos (ps ++ [p])
line ps c = polygon ps c True
dot p = penup >> setPos p >> pendown >> f1 "dot" >> pendown
penup = f1 "penup"
pendown = f1 "pendown"
triangle = polygon
circle (a,b) x = penup >> setPos (a,b-x) >> pendown >> f2 "circle" x
speed n = f2 "speed" n
shape t = f3 "shape" t
color c = f3 "color" c
fillColor c = f3 "fillcolor" c
beginFill = f1 "begin_fill"
endFill = f1 "end_fill"
setPos (a,b) = f2' "setpos" (a,b)
setx x = f2 "setx" x
sety y = f2 "sety" y
-- end of HTurtle.hs